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What is a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure to prevent sperm from entering the vas deferens, the tube that extends from the testicles to the penis. By cutting the vas, the sperm cannot reach the penis, and this prevents pregnancy. After the procedure, the man can still ejaculate, but there will be no sperm present, making this a permanent and highly effective birth control method.

Who is a Candidate for Vasectomy?

Dr. Lazare performs vasectomies on men who want to become permanently sterile. You should only consider undergoing a vasectomy if you are sure that you do not ever want to have children, or you have completed your family.

Cost of a Vasectomy

The cost of the procedure can vary depending on several factors, including the specific type of vasectomy being performed, the location where the procedure is being performed, and the individual’s insurance coverage. Some insurance plans may cover part or all of the cost of a vasectomy. It is important to check with your insurance provider to determine your coverage. At Lazare Urology, the cost of a vasectomy is $2,500.

How to Prepare for Vasectomy

To prepare for your vasectomy procedure, avoid the use of anti-inflammatory drugs or other blood-thinners for several weeks before your procedure to avoid excessive bleeding. Have a pair of tight-fitting underwear to support the scrotum and minimize swelling after your procedure. You should also arrange for someone to drive you home from your procedure and care for you for the first day if you choose. Recovery after vasectomy is minimal, so you may only need to arrange for a day or two off work. Some patients choose to have their sperm frozen in a sperm bank prior to their procedure in case they decide to have more children in the future.

The Vasectomy Procedure

The vasectomy is an outpatient procedure and is most often performed under sedation. There are two main types of vasectomies that Dr. Lazare will recommend including:

Conventional Vasectomy

During a conventional vasectomy, a scalpel is used to make two very small incisions on both sides of the scrotum. Through these incisions, a section of the vas deferens is removed, preventing the sperm from traveling to the penis. The tubes will then be sealed, tied, or cauterized and the incisions are closed. The procedure can be complete in about 20 minutes.

No-Scalpel Vasectomy

During a no-scalpel vasectomy, a small clamp is used to hold the vas deferens in place. A small hole is then made in the skin on the scrotum, allowing access for the vas deferens to be sealed. No stitches are used during this technique and it is typically quicker than a conventional vasectomy procedure.

Vasectomy recovery

Recovery after a vasectomy is usually rapid.  Nevertheless, some swelling, mild discomfort, and bruising can be expected for a few days after the procedure. An ice pack can help with these side effects. The procedure is very safe and complications are uncommon. The main risk is bleeding into the scrotum. Work and most normal activities can be resumed in one or two days, but patients should still take it easy and avoid heavy lifting for at least a week. Sexual activity can also be resumed at that time.

Life After a Vasectomy

After a vasectomy, patients can have peace of mind knowing they are fully protected from unwanted pregnancy. It is important to remember that you may still have a positive sperm count for about three months after the procedure. Additional birth control should be used during this time. A sperm count test is recommended between 8 and 16 weeks after the procedure to ensure that it is safe for unprotected sex. There are no known long-term effects of the vasectomy procedure, with no impact on libido or sex drive.

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Contact Us

If you are interested in a vasectomy for permanent birth control, contact our Brooklyn, NY office today! Your first step will be to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Lazare, our board-certified urologist and expert surgeon.