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CBD is a beneficial non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is useful in enhancing sex life. Using cannabis relaxes your sexual performance and makes it not only exciting but enjoyable. It’s the goal of most partners to have a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life. However, it’s all about experiencing the joys of better performance and erection. Everybody needs something to help them relax and feel sexual pleasure during intercourse.

Sex is a primal instinct that makes us human, so don’t hide from it if you have erectile dysfunction. Consult a urologist to help you curb your erectile dysfunction and enjoy a better sexual performance with your partner. Cannabis helps a lot in this regard and boosts your performance. The herb also relieves certain health conditions, thereby improving your overall well-being.

How Does CBD Curb Erectile Dysfunction?

There are plenty of sexual benefits you get by using CBD. The most notable benefit is its potential to reverse erectile dysfunction. The condition is primarily because of tissue damage or poor blood flow to your genitals. Besides, CBD has the ability to boost your sexual energy naturally.

Based on recent research findings, erectile dysfunction is more prevalent in aging men. Aging creates dioxin, which is a toxin that causes erectile dysfunction. However, you can reverse the condition by using CBD to flush out dioxin from your body.

Using cannabis gives you better sensation during sexual intercourse. For you to feel the sexual urge, your body must function well. Lifestyle and psychological factors can inhibit your sexual excitation system. You need to ensure that you are fully healthy and in the right mood for sexual activity.

CBD helps bring the two major factors together to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress by initiating a series of chemical reactions. Users of cannabis are less nervous, which allows them to express themselves better. Besides, CBD gives you psychoactive stimulation.

Some people experience pain while having sex, don’t worry. CBD reduces any pain, and women can use CBD-oils to lubricate their organs to improve blood flow. CBD oil also stimulates your natural lubrication to make sexual performance smoother and less painful. Therefore, CBD also helps women as much as it helps men. Women going through menopause benefit immensely. Using CBD-oil lubricant increases serotonin levels while decreasing inflammation. This helps you to reach climax and feel sexual pleasure.

How to Use CBD-Oil to Enhance Your Sexual Performance

Erectile dysfunction is a known cause of stress and depression in relationships. However, you don’t have to suffer in silence when there are remedies. Before you start using any of these remedies, consult a doctor to learn about the effects and the preferred method of use or dosage. Too much use is dangerous.

Use CBD lube

CBD lube is popular and doesn’t get you high. However, exercise caution as it’s not latex friendly and can make the condom burst. Many women agree that CBD lube increases sex, pleasure, and excitement. Besides, it doesn’t have any discernible smell. The lube relieves penetration pain during intercourse and relaxes the tissues around the sex organ.


Stay under 2.5 mg if you want to improve your sex life without getting high. It mostly about heightening your senses and subtle relaxation, which makes intercourse exciting. You don’t feel the effects of cannabis, which enables you to enjoy sexual performance and mental alertness. Microdosing allows you to have a fantastic time with your partner.


Although cannabis is highly popular, use it in moderation if you don’t want to get high during sexual performance. Remember, you want to feel the excitement and pleasure, which is difficult to achieve if you are high. CBD has proven to be a resourceful remedy for declining sexual performance and erectile dysfunction. Consult a urologist to know the best usage methods that will work for you best and enhance your sexual excitement.