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What Happens to the Testicles After a Vasectomy?

When a man is done having children, or decides he doesn’t want children at all, he may desire a permanent birth control option for peace of mind. For men, a vasectomy is the most effective form of birth control. 

Permanent birth control is much easier for a man than a woman. A vasectomy takes less than 20 minutes and offers a quick recovery, while a tubal ligation for a woman may take many weeks for full healing. 

Because of this, a vasectomy is an attractive option for many men. Still, many men have their reservations. Having a surgical procedure done on a vital part of the body can be scary and bring about a lot of concerns. What will happen afterward? What are the risks involved? How will things change? 

Why Get a Vasectomy?

A man may be interested in a vasectomy for assorted reasons:

  • They are satisfied with the number of children they have.
  • They are in a long-term relationship and desire permanent birth control.
  • They have genetic defects that they do not want to pass on to a child.

What Happens Next?

Since a vasectomy is a permanent form of birth control, a man can no longer father children. While failures can occur, a vasectomy is 99.99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

So how does this work? After a vasectomy, the testicles will still produce sperm. However, the vasectomy blocks the sperm from reaching the semen. The sperm die and are absorbed by the body, so they cannot result in a pregnancy. 

A man with a vasectomy can still ejaculate and make semen, but the semen contains no sperm. Testosterone levels and the ability to have an erection remain unchanged. There are no long-term effects and your libido will not be affected. 

In a vasectomy, the vas deferens are cut and sealed. These two tubes carry sperm from testicles to the urethra. Testicular support is not affected by the vas deferens, so nothing physical will happen to the testicles. This means you will not experience a drop in the testicles.

The biggest issue men may experience following a vasectomy is pain in the testicles. There may be a dull pain or it may be sharp. As many as 2% of men may experience chronic pain.

In some cases, men may experience swollen testicles after a vasectomy. Swelling can sometimes signal an infection, so it’s important to see a doctor for medical treatment. 

Contact Us Today

Getting a vasectomy is a major decision. While it can be reversed in some cases, it’s best to consider it a permanent birth control method. Therefore, it’s important to understand what to expect and how it will affect your body.

The New York urologist at Lazare Urology can consult with you about the pros and cons of a vasectomy and help you understand risks and side effects. Give us a call at (718) 568-7516 or go online to book a fully confidential appointment. We serve the Brooklyn area. 

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